Client Login - Keith Griggs

Client Login

If you have already created your account, you can login below:-

We use special software that enhances this process and achieves much better results.  As well as the normal video calls and email support, this software gives:-

  1. action points
  2. trackable metrics
  3. journal entries
  4. worksheets
  5. session notes
  6. whiteboards

This is a walkthrough of your log in area:-

Hi there, Keith Griggs here. So I just wanted to say a few words about the client login area because I think it's a really good system that really enhanced the value of what we do together. So if you go to my site and click on "client login" you come to this page and then you just login. So the overview, just let's you know what's going on, and you can click on anything and it goes to that place.

The Stream is a similar thing except you can actually add comments, and that's really useful because you could either keep it private or I can see it. And if I can see it, then I can also respond, and we'll have some sort of dialogue there relating to whatever you were commenting about. Metrics is at the heart of the system, and the idea is that you can easily enter a metric here, and then you can just track it and then post actual numbers whenever you like. And then all that goes on to the overview and the Stream stage.

Actions is also really important. So this phase is just to set up an action point for you to do. And then once it's added, you can just tick on it when it's complete, and then it goes onto your Past tab. Now Session Notes is something that I will be adding after every session. I can add a document here that summarises the session, and then they're all over here.

Worksheets, now these are very useful. So there's three worksheets available. So the idea is to do this one, Preparation for Our First Call. If you do that one before our first call. So just fill this in to help give me a bit more information about how to structure our calls. And then also it's useful... so every time we have a session, you could do a pre-session check-in. It's not meant to be onerous. It's really, literally it says, "No more than five minutes." But it helps just keep you focused, and helps keep me aware of how things are for you and what you want to focus on.

And then after the call, do Session Wrap Up and Reflection. Begin, and then just keep some basic... And then just answer questions about the session. And then press Complete, and then it would appear in the Overview and the Stream page. So this is very useful to as an aids to communication and to get your thoughts down as you have them, and then easy to find them later on.

So if you click on Journals, this is a really useful area for you add any journals. Anytime you have some ideas, or anything you want to capture, you can just type it all in there, and you have the option of sharing it with me, or just private for you. And then if you click Complete, and then it will just stay there. And then Files, you could also add files. You can upload files, and you can also look at any [inaudible 00:03:36] there.

Now this is a really great document, coaching manual. I recommend you download that, print it, and then follow with through. Won't take that long. And it just walks you through the system, and explains how each bit can be very useful to you. And then the final thing is Whiteboards, which is similar to Journals and Files. But I think the idea of this is that with journals, the new items always go to the top so anything that's old just sort of gets buried and you never find it again. With Whiteboard, you can just have lots of folders. You can sort them how you like. So permanent information that you want to access quickly, you could just have there at the top.